MAUVE++ Privacy & Cookie Policy

Data Controller:

National Research Council (CNR), Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7, 00185 Rome, Italy, through the Institute of Information Science and Technologies "A. Faedo" (CNR-ISTI);

Contact Information:

CNR-ISTI Director Pisa, via Moruzzi 1, 56124, Pisa, Dr. Roberto Scopigno:;

Data Protection Officer (DPO), Dr. Roberto Pulcinelli:;

Human Interfaces in Information Systems (HIIS) Laboratory (software developer):;

MAUVE++ Working Group:

Purposes and Data Processing:

The personal data processed on this website complies with relevant legislation and confidentiality obligations.

Processing Methods and Storage:

Data is processed lawfully, fairly, and limited to what is necessary for specified purposes. Specific security measures are adopted to prevent unauthorized access, data loss, and unlawful use. Data is stored for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected.

Communication and Disclosure of Data:

Personal data is not communicated to third parties or disclosed.

Data Transfer:

No personal data is transferred to third countries.

Rights of Data Subjects:

Data subjects have the right to access, rectify, erase, or restrict the processing of their personal data and to object to processing. These rights can be exercised by contacting the Data Controller. Data subjects can also lodge complaints with the competent supervisory authority.


The website uses cookies for various purposes, including saving user sessions and essential website functions and for Matomo analytics. The installation of technical cookies does not require prior consent. Users can manage cookie preferences through their browser settings, although disabling cookies may affect website functionality.

By using the website, users accept the terms outlined in this Privacy and Cookie Policy.

Files Processed by the MAUVE++ Application:

The MAUVE++ application offers the functionality to analyze HTML web pages and PDF documents to verify their accessibility. During this process, files are temporarily loaded into memory for the duration of the analysis.

It is important to understand the data retention policies regarding these documents:

  • For certain features, such as "Projects," HTML documents may be stored in memory until the user who created the project deletes the project itself. During this period, HTML documents remain accessible only to the user who created the project and are not stored beyond the necessary duration for managing the project.
  • In all other cases, including PDF document analysis, files remain in memory only for the duration of the analysis. Once the analysis is completed, documents are not stored or further processed by the MAUVE++ application.

Please note that regardless of the document type, the MAUVE++ application is committed to respecting users' privacy and ensuring that processed files are used solely for their intended purpose and are not stored or retained beyond necessity.

Use of the MAUVE++ application implies acceptance of this file processing practice as described in this Privacy and Cookie Policy.

SSL or TLS Encryption

This website uses SSL or TLS encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content. An encrypted connection can be recognized in the browser's address bar when it changes from "http://" to "https://" and the padlock icon is displayed in the browser's address bar.

Version PNRR 1.4.2